The two pieces of advice that will transform you from a beginner to a pro calligrapher.

How do you learn to play the guitar or piano in the best way possible?

01. Master the basics

First, you must become familiar with and master the basic notes and chords.

Most of the lowercase letters in calligraphy are a combination of what is called “basic strokes”. Without a solid foundation in basic strokes, it's challenging to progress to more advanced lettering techniques and styles.

I've meticulously designed a specialized booklet that simplifies both the understanding and practice of these eight fundamental calligraphy strokes. With these practice sheets, you'll conquer the art of beautiful writing.

02. Practice by working on
tangible projects

Second, practice by playing a complete song. This not only motivates you to practice every day with a sense of enjoyment and progress due to having a tangible project, but it can also create avenues for connection with others by showcasing your achievements.

Now, I'm thrilled to announce that I've relaunched the upgraded version of Calligraphy Envelope Pro. This is a comprehensive course where you could efficiently learn how to create a stunning envelope. It not only will inspire and motivate you, but also elevated your calligraphy skills to the next level while doing so.

Hello there!

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with a calligrapher who is at the beginning of her journey. One of the things she mentioned resonated with me deeply, as it reminded me of a feeling I experienced a while back. If I am to capture her current state in a single phrase, it would be 'calligraphy plateau.'

Are you also stuck in a Calligraphy plateau? Feeling like you're not making enough progress? Struggling to find the motivation for daily practice? Are you losing passion and interest in calligraphy? Does it all seem a bit mundane? Or do you find yourself practicing alone, disconnected from fellow calligraphers?

Are you yearning for something that can reignite your passion for calligraphy and make it enjoyable once again?

Every journey of progress eventually hits a point where growth seems to pause, or you find yourself emotionally stuck at a certain stage. And you know what? That's completely normal. Even professional athletes and artists experience it.

I vividly remember the start of my own calligraphy journey. I immersed myself in everything about calligraphy at first. I couldn't wait to wake up each morning and practice. Letters transformed into words, words into phrases, and phrases into beautiful quotes.

But after a while, despite being inspired by the quotes and verses I was writing, I felt a need for something more challenging, more tangible.

That's when I saw one of the calligraphers I followed began a calligraphy envelope exchange. And I thought, "Why not give it a try?"

The experience was incredible. Completing a tangible project with the knowledge that I'd be sending it to loved ones and fellow calligraphers around the world was truly mind-blowing. It not only inspired and motivated me, but also elevated my calligraphy skills to the next level while doing so.

However, one thing that bothered me at the time was the lack of a single place or comprehensive course where I could efficiently learn how to create a stunning envelope. Combining all the information and knowledge I'd gathered along with my background in graphic and art, I developed my own framework for crafting envelopes.

Then it struck me – why not package this framework into a course and offer it to fellow calligraphers who could benefit from it? And that's how my Calligraphy Envelope Pro course came to life.

To my delight, more than 500 calligraphers have already taken the course and loved it. I'm incredibly grateful for their positive feedback. Over time, I've been continuously enhancing the course, incorporating valuable tips and insights, such as creating wedding envelopes for clients and more.

A very well articulated video with amazing examples. This video has become one of my favorites. Liz has done an incredible job. Will be waiting for more videos.
— Paridhi Shrivastava